Penn State Rugby “Lifetime Achievement Award”


First awarded in 1990, the Lifetime Achievement Award is given by the Penn State Rugby Booster Club to recognize and honor individuals whose continual contributions have promoted the growth of rugby at Penn State. Each year, previous Lifetime Achievement Award recipients submit nominations and vote for a men’s team alumnus, a women’s team alumnus, and an honorary awardee, which has included parents, administrators, medical staff, benefactors, and coaches.


Did you play rugby at Penn State?

Help us tell more of Penn State Rugby’s history and keep our displays up-to-date! The information we’re featuring at the Kabala Family Rugby Hall is only as strong as we’re able to retell history.

If you see any errors in the display descriptions, names, or dates, please let us know. We will research, verify, and make changes. Likewise, if you have information, articles, or photos that could add important context to any element of Penn State Rugby’s history, we want to hear it! We will be aggregating new information and updating the “tour” quarterly.