A Shared Passion for Rugby at Penn State

The Penn State Rugby Booster club aims to unite alumni, players, parents, and fans to support the immediate needs of the PSU Rugby Program. We provide funding to the current Men’s and Women’s Rugby teams so that they have the resources they need to make each season a success. This is how we, the Penn State Rugby community, stay connected to each other and to the Program that has impacted our lives in countless meaningful ways. 


Providing Funds for the Current Teams

About 30% of the Penn State Rugby Program’s operating budget comes from player dues and fees, and about 15% comes from the University. This leaves a deficit, especially when the teams excel and must travel multiple weekends for playoffs. The Booster Club steps in with a financial commitment of $58,000 per year so that the Program can practice and compete.

While we contribute $58,000 to the University each year, we have estimated a budget of $245,000 needed for the teams to compete on an elite level and operate effectively as a Booster Club. You can help the teams stand up against the nation’s top competitors.


A breakdown of funding sources for the Penn State Rugby Program's operating budget each year.

What We Fund

Our current support funds coaches’ requests, including equipment, administrative and medical support, recruiting efforts and scholarships, uniforms, and travel costs. Our funding directly enhances the players’ experience and performance, while helping to eliminate the pay-to-play model.  




Our History

The Penn State Rugby Alumni Club was incorporated in 2000 to provide financial and administrative resources to the Penn State University Rugby Program. Due to an increase in parent and community involvement, we transitioned to the Penn State Rugby Booster Club in 2018. We are registered as a 501(c)3 not-for-profit corporation registered with the Pennsylvania Bureau of Charitable Organizations. We govern through an elected Board of Directors that includes alumni, parents, and friends of the Program. 


“Penn State Rugby taught me that I am tougher than I know.”

— Kelly Reilly, 2000


Make this season a success.