Help Support the Penn State Rugby Family in these Difficult Times


As we enter 2021, the pandemic and state regulations due to COVID continue to impact business owners, frontline, and essential workers across the country.  Among those are many former Penn State Rugby players. Please see the note below from Howard Goldfine ‘90 and consider supporting your Penn State Rugby family through these difficult times. 

I hope all of you and your families are managing to stay healthy during this challenging time.  We have a number of medical professionals, first responders, teachers, pharma workers, supply chain people, store workers, etc. in our Penn State Rugby group that are all playing an important role in taking care of the sick, and keeping our economy going during the pandemic. Thank you to everyone in our group that is doing their part to help everyone get through this difficult time.

In addition to the obvious health issues people are facing due to COVID-19, there are a number of people suffering financially due to the pandemic. While they are not the only businesses suffering at this time, bars and restaurants are taking a big hit as many states have limited their seating capacity or, in some cases, eliminated indoor service completely (PA).

This message is being sent to encourage folks in the Penn State Rugby community to help out some of our own that are going through a rough time.

You can help by purchasing a gift card to use at a later date, or if you don’t think that you will have a chance to use the gift card yourself, you can donate it to be used to feed health care workers, first responders, or families in need.

I have exchanged messages with some bar/restaurant owners from our group and they confirmed that they can send the meals to a specific group that you designate (e.g., hospital workers), or you can leave it up to them to provide a meal to a group or family that could use a good meal and would appreciate it. Listed below are the PSU Ruggers that I have reached out to recently regarding this idea: 

Alivia Tagliaferri co-owner Tag's Family-Style Take Out

Shawn L Crago owner Patrick's Pub and Grille

Tom Trosko owner Doggie's Pub

Helping out these businesses will also be helping out their employees who rely on their paychecks to feed their own families or, in the case of many of Tom's employees, to pay for college.

I am sure that there are other bar/restaurant owners in our group other than Alivia, Shawn, and Tom.  Any others please reach out and we will get the details about their business to the Penn State Rugby family as well.

Many in our group are facing health and/or financial challenges of their own these days and will not be able to help out at this time, but for those that are able and willing to help out a teammate or fellow alum, your assistance will be greatly appreciated.

Wishing a great holiday season and happy & healthy New Year to all of you and your families!


Howard '90


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